A successful lawyer isn’t always the one who wins the cases in the courtroom but also influences the new and existing clients like a good salesperson. Unless they start a firm on their own, a lawyer is their own accountant, salesperson and the captain of the ship.
So when a client reaches out asking for legal advice, the lawyer should perform basic functions before initiating any meetings and conversations. Certain times, consultations become an art of client retainment. Here are some tips to help you prepare a checklist before meeting the client for consultation.
Many lawyers that are great at placing arguments in the court lack basic communication skills. They might bring a clever question in front of the judge however, with the client, one needs to be very open, approachable and sensitive.
Before having a thorough discussion with the clients, run a background check. Ensure that the information is backed by valid documents and facts. Each case is unique in itself. Gather as much information about the case, and build different perspectives.
The online presence
With the world shifting to virtual life, it is high time that you take your business online too. Build a website or create a blog. Write the content that people would want to know. Educating the public will bring you more loyal customers. Your online presence lets the viewers know your expertise and availability.
Start a newsletter and send informative content to the potential candidates. Find email addresses using the email search tool, GetEmail.io. This AI-powered tool can find a person’s email address within no time. Its latest chrome extension to Gmail account lets you validate the email address and open the compose tab to begin writing.
Mapping the case
The only thing a client wants from their lawyer is to heed their needs. They request your expertise because they are unaware of the legal proceedings. This is time for you to wear that research cap on and listen to their case carefully.
Once you note every detail about what they said, begin finding facts and documents related to the case. An important note to consider is that – you need to know what exactly the client is looking for. Is it any compensation or punishment? Are they okay to settle outside the court if need be? These minute details will point you in the right direction to head!
Update yourself
Managing papers and documents is a hassle. There was one time when the lawyers were lost in heaps and heaps of papers, but not anymore! With the advent of computers and technology, the vexation is reduced to less than a quarter!
There are multiple software & online applications available to manage your schedules, remind you of tasks and handle your documents. Find the ones that resonate best with your working style and utilize them. These applications are meant to save time and effort by managing redundant tasks.
Final thoughts
How you converse with your client is a significant skill that you need to accomplish. Along with it, learn to use the productivity applications to ensure the work runs smoothly!