Divorce is not desirable in dealing with marital problems. But if the only way is divorce, then as a woman, you have to prepare not only mentally but also financially.
This article will discuss ways to prepare finances before divorce so that a woman can more easily meet her needs and can achieve financial freedom independently.

Preparing Finances Before Divorce
No couple in the world wants a divorce let alone thinks about the impact it will have on their children.
However, if a divorce must happen, as a woman, you must be prepared to deal with it financially.
The wife will lose the husband who used to be the backbone of the family and the wife will have to start working alone and find a way to support herself and her children.
Here are some financial preparations you should do when facing a divorce:
Asset Review
One of the earliest things you should know is the possessions you own personally.
Some of the asset lists you can check are:
- Property
- Motor vehicle
- Jewellery
- Saving account
- Investments (mutual funds, stocks, deposits and so on)
Legally, in Indonesia there are two assets that are not joint assets, namely wealth owned by the husband or wife before marriage and the second is property belonging to the husband or wife after marriage from a grant, will or inheritance.
Even if you are not familiar, knowing in detail what you have can help you financially in the future.
Moreover, you will be required to manage your own investments and assets.
Knowing Your Debt and Insurance
Are there debts that have accumulated during your marriage to your husband, be it for vehicle ownership or property or capital debt?
In addition, are there still insurance arrears and have you been aware of all types of insurance?
The first step that you must prepare after the divorce is to close the joint account after the distribution of assets is complete.
Then stop credit card facilities that are in the name of a joint or partner.
In every insurance policy, there is a name of the insured or beneficiary that you must revise according to the negotiations between the two parties.
Before officially divorcing, you should know clearly the dependents and benefits that can be received.
Know Your Expenses
Nothing can guarantee life after divorce, moreover, you have to depend on yourself to support yourself or even your children.
In addition to knowing what you have, you also need to start managing your personal expenses.
The first step is knowing which are expenses for your husband, for you and for your children.
If you and your husband build a business together, are there any personal expenses that are covered by the business, such as vehicles, fuel for vehicles, electricity, water and so on.
Once you separate out what are your personal expenses, you can cut costs.
This cost cutting is done with the aim of saving your expenses so that you can pay for the needs of yourself and your children.
By knowing your personal expenses, you can easily figure out which lifestyle you should give up.
For example, before you lived in a luxury house, did you have to keep the luxury house after the divorce?
Should you buy a private house or rent? Knowing which lifestyle you should maintain for the sake of your children and yourself, and knowing which one you should stop is the right way to manage your finances.
In this way, it will be easier for you to get financial stability.
Think Long Term
One of the most important things you do before you decide to divorce is the impact of your decision.
Think about how your life will be for the next 5 to 10 years. Before the divorce occurs, of course legally, you or your husband can sign several agreements such as the amount of money that the husband must give to his wife after the divorce, child expenses and so on.
Thinking about these expenses can help you decide what assets you can claim in divorce negotiations.
Most of the women asked for a place to live that they could not afford. And when they sell it, the profits they get are also not worth the taxes they have to pay.
Be careful in choosing what you want to get and pay attention to the long-term costs and benefits.
Before you get divorced, you may have to decide in the long term how you will earn your living.
Is it by returning to the world of work, investing or doing business?
Thinking long-term projections will greatly benefit you, especially if you need training or education to work again, you can negotiate with your husband to finance your training.
Seek Financial Help
Once you are legally divorced, you are not bound by any financial relationship with your husband.
From that point on, you have to make sure that all the assets are properly assigned to you, establishing a new budget and savings system.
You also have to think about new investment methods that suit your risk profile and the age of you and your dependents.
Of course, if your family is supportive enough, you can receive financial assistance or even a loan from a friend.
However, it is not wrong to contact a professional financial planner who can help manage your finances.
Looking for Additional Income
Maybe your husband provides a monthly allowance for your children and yourself, but there’s nothing wrong with looking for additional income.
One example is by learning a new skill. Besides helping to heal your mental wounds, interacting with the outside world can expand your opportunities and income.
You can sell works that can increase your income.
Full Control over Finance
One study concluded that 59% of women were more satisfied with their financial situation when they were not married (37% after divorce and 22% when single).
This is because now you are alone and you can manage all your financial details.
Full control of finances and careful spending of money are things that can help you become financially independent after a divorce.