A lawyer or also known as an advocate is a profession that provides legal services both inside and outside the court that meet the requirements and based on the provisions of law. Lawyers can also be said to be law enforcers just like judges, prosecutors and police, however, although both are law enforcers, Lynn Pinker Hurst Schwegmann the roles and functions of law enforcers are different from one another.

Lawyer Function
1. As a guardian of the constitution and human rights.
2. Fighting for human rights in an Indonesian constitutional state.
3. Implementing a lawyer’s code of ethics
4. Provide legal advice
5. Provide legal consultation
6. Provide a legal opinion
7. Draw up contracts
8. Provide legal information
9. Defend the interests of clients
10. Representing clients before the court
11. Providing free legal aid to the weak and underprivileged.
Duties and Responsibilities of Lawyers
1. Interview clients and provide them with expert legal advice
2. Research and prepare cases and present them in court
3. Write legal documents and prepare written defense for civil cases
4. Specializing in certain areas of law
5. Representing clients in court, public inquiries, arbitration and courts
6. Questioning a witness
7. Conducting negotiations
A Lawyer Moral Values
1. Humanity Value (Humanity)
Respect for a human dignity.
2. Value of Justice (Justice)
The urge to always give people what is rightfully theirs.
3. Compliance and Reasonableness Value (Reasonableness)
Efforts to bring about order and justice in society
4. Value of Honesty (Honesty)
Maintain honesty and avoid fraudulent acts and the awareness to always respect and maintain the integrity and honor of the profession.
Value of Public Office Services (To Serve Public Interest)
In a development of the legal profession, the spirit of siding with the rights and satisfaction of the community as justice seekers is a direct consequence of adhering to the values of justice, honesty and professional credibility.
Lawyer Code of Ethics
• For various civil cases, peaceful settlement must be prioritized.
• It is not justified to provide information that could mislead the client regarding the case he is handling.
• It is not allowed to guarantee the client that the case handled will win
• In determining the amount of the honorarium, a lawyer must consider the client’s ability.
• Attorneys are not allowed to charge clients unnecessary fees.
• Lawyers also have to refuse to take care of cases which according to their belief have no legal basis.
• The attorney is obliged to hold a position secret regarding matters which are notified by the client in confidence and it is obligatory to keep that secret after the termination of the relationship between the lawyer and the client.
• Attorneys are not allowed to let go of the duties assigned to him at a time that does not benefit a client’s position or when the task will cause irreparable harm to the client concerned, without prejudice to the provisions referred
• The lawyer will also take care of the mutual interests of two or more parties who must withdraw completely from the management of interests between the parties concerned.
• Lawyers retention rights against clients as long as it does not cause a loss to the interests of the client.
Professional code of ethics
• Relationships with fellow lawyers must be based on mutual respect, respect and trust.
• When going to talk about fellow lawyers or if they pass each other in court proceedings. Should not use profanity either verbally or in writing.
• Objections to the actions of fellow lawyers that are deemed contrary to the code of ethics of lawyers must be submitted to the honorary council for examination and are not allowed to be broadcast through the mass media or other means.
• Lawyers are not allowed to attract or take away their partner’s clients.